
Szedd magad! Rozmaringos és novelláskert. Jó csatangolást kíván a kertész.

Friss topikok

  • Dhor: Tehát ez csak áprilisi tréfa... (ugye? ugye?) [azért volt zárójelben, mert ha esetleg nem, akkor ú... (2011.04.05. 19:54) Az utolsó bejegyzés
  • tpr: utánaolvastam kicsit Telekinek, és kiderült, hogy mindenki utálja. Illetve nagyon sokan, ugyebár a... (2011.03.29. 15:48) Éljen Teleki Pál!
  • tpr: @lucaorsolya: jó, összeszedem majd magam:) legalábbis igyekszem. és jó látni, hogy te is létezel, ... (2011.03.17. 19:21) Búcsúvallomás
  • lucuss: a hosszú elmélkedés zanzásított változatára egy lehetséges értelmezés/gondolatmenet (igencsak rövi... (2011.02.27. 23:15) Napló egy kis elmélkedéssel
  • tpr: @luc.: @mindenmash: köszi:) és megtörtént. (2011.02.23. 20:51) Szőkített lány


Language exam

2010.09.10. 19:07 | tpr | Szólj hozzá!

I'm so happy that I can't express how happy I am.

Probably you haven't heard about it yet, but I took a (B2) English language exam in summer (14th August). Before that I was preparing for it alone; I mean that I'd bought a book and about two weeks before 'the Big Day' I started to practise.

My results weren't the bests all the time, but I always passed. Except at writing exercises: I've never used to write letters. My English group at school had to write letters only twice... So I didn't have much experience in this kind of exercise. But before the exam I'd written two more letters (so as many as many I'd ever written before...).

I took my exam by TELC (because it is the easiest language exam I know). So on the 14th of August I went to downtown to do what I can. The reading and the listening comprehension were very easy. But I had many problems with the language elements. This part consists of two exercises. The first was ok, but the second... I had no idea, what the text meant... The words were new for me, therefore I had to guess sometimes.

And the letter... I forgot, how my adress should be written!... But after a short thinking I worked out, and wrote a letter (about a new TV cooking show).

After this part I had about half an hour-an hour brake. I recognised, that my cherry juice had been poored out... Of course all my ID-s and papers were 'juicy', including my cheque (because we payed for the exam by cheque). But it wasn't that big problem: the teacher, who checked the cheques (word-joke...) laughed at my story about the cherry juice...

My excercises at the speaking part were the following: I had to speak about a vehicle (I'd chosen bicycle - of course), then I had to argue with my partner about fortune telling and at last we (me and my partner) had to make a plan how we should be fitt.

And that was that. After all I went to home and waited almost one month for my results.

And today I have them.

First of all: I PASSED!

Secondly: the most surprising thing was, that I've got 45 points for my letter - all I could get...

And here are the other results:

Oral examination
1. part: 23/25
2. part: 21/25
3. part: 23/25

Listening comrehension

Reading comprehension

Language elements



So I'm absolutely delighted...


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