
Szedd magad! Rozmaringos és novelláskert. Jó csatangolást kíván a kertész.

Friss topikok

  • Dhor: Tehát ez csak áprilisi tréfa... (ugye? ugye?) [azért volt zárójelben, mert ha esetleg nem, akkor ú... (2011.04.05. 19:54) Az utolsó bejegyzés
  • tpr: utánaolvastam kicsit Telekinek, és kiderült, hogy mindenki utálja. Illetve nagyon sokan, ugyebár a... (2011.03.29. 15:48) Éljen Teleki Pál!
  • tpr: @lucaorsolya: jó, összeszedem majd magam:) legalábbis igyekszem. és jó látni, hogy te is létezel, ... (2011.03.17. 19:21) Búcsúvallomás
  • lucuss: a hosszú elmélkedés zanzásított változatára egy lehetséges értelmezés/gondolatmenet (igencsak rövi... (2011.02.27. 23:15) Napló egy kis elmélkedéssel
  • tpr: @luc.: @mindenmash: köszi:) és megtörtént. (2011.02.23. 20:51) Szőkített lány


Driving test

2010.10.19. 17:00 | tpr | 2 komment

It was not easy. Actually I was very lucky, but not good. Not good at all.I had fortune. Nothing else. Usually I drive much better than today. It was awful. Aaaaawful. I'm angry of myself, but I did it. It didn't depend on me. It depended on the examiner.Now I'm through, so I can start to prepare to…

A new family member

2010.10.13. 20:32 | tpr | 3 komment

As I said to everybody who I met or got in touch in these days, I'm having a very busy time. Okay, I have free time as well, but actually I don't - when I call something 'free time', then it means 'the time, while I'm doing nothing instead of learning or doing something that I have to do'. For…

Language exam

2010.09.10. 19:07 | tpr | Szólj hozzá!

I'm so happy that I can't express how happy I am.Probably you haven't heard about it yet, but I took a (B2) English language exam in summer (14th August). Before that I was preparing for it alone; I mean that I'd bought a book and about two weeks before 'the Big Day' I started to practise.My results…


2010.09.07. 15:52 | tpr | Szólj hozzá!

Hi everybody!As I was in Oxford, my classmates and others asked me, if I wrote something in English. My answer was no. I thought, that I couldn't express my feelings and on the other hand I thought, that those friends of mine who can speak only Hungarian and German, couldn't read what I wrote. And…

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