It was not easy. Actually I was very lucky, but not good. Not good at all.I had fortune. Nothing else. Usually I drive much better than today. It was awful. Aaaaawful. I'm angry of myself, but I did it. It didn't depend on me. It depended on the examiner.Now I'm through, so I can start to prepare to…
Driving test
2010.10.19. 17:00 | tpr | 2 komment
Language exam
2010.09.10. 19:07 | tpr | Szólj hozzá!
I'm so happy that I can't express how happy I am.Probably you haven't heard about it yet, but I took a (B2) English language exam in summer (14th August). Before that I was preparing for it alone; I mean that I'd bought a book and about two weeks before 'the Big Day' I started to practise.My results…