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Friss topikok

  • Dhor: Tehát ez csak áprilisi tréfa... (ugye? ugye?) [azért volt zárójelben, mert ha esetleg nem, akkor ú... (2011.04.05. 19:54) Az utolsó bejegyzés
  • tpr: utánaolvastam kicsit Telekinek, és kiderült, hogy mindenki utálja. Illetve nagyon sokan, ugyebár a... (2011.03.29. 15:48) Éljen Teleki Pál!
  • tpr: @lucaorsolya: jó, összeszedem majd magam:) legalábbis igyekszem. és jó látni, hogy te is létezel, ... (2011.03.17. 19:21) Búcsúvallomás
  • lucuss: a hosszú elmélkedés zanzásított változatára egy lehetséges értelmezés/gondolatmenet (igencsak rövi... (2011.02.27. 23:15) Napló egy kis elmélkedéssel
  • tpr: @luc.: @mindenmash: köszi:) és megtörtént. (2011.02.23. 20:51) Szőkített lány


A new family member

2010.10.13. 20:32 | tpr | 3 komment

As I said to everybody who I met or got in touch in these days, I'm having a very busy time. Okay, I have free time as well, but actually I don't - when I call something 'free time', then it means 'the time, while I'm doing nothing instead of learning or doing something that I have to do'. For example now I'm writing my diary, but I should prepare either for my math or history competitions or for my English matura-exam (I guess this is the correct expression for it).

So I've got a few things to do. Next week I'm going to have my driving test and I'm directing a play by a Hungarian writer, called Gergely Csiky. It's unbelievable exhausting. Working with more than 15 students - it's hard. And for some of them, it's the first play that they act in. And we'll present it in December. Only two months left...

But it's time to say something more joyful: last evening Hungary played with Finnland in Helsinki and won 2-1. It's amazing. It was crazy! Somtimes I thought I might have a heart attack! But in the end everything was just fine: in the last minute, Balázs Dzsudzsák scored a goal, and then the match was over. I think our team deserved it.

But let's talk about what I've written as the title of my text: We have a new family member. Of course not in real meaning, but in a sort of: We have a new dog. His name's Szindbád (Sinbad - the name origines from the Book of Thosand and One Nights, but there was a Hungarian writer, called Gyula Krúdy, who wrote stories about a man, called Szindbád). He's an airdale terrier. He's very young, I guess he's only two months old.

We'd had a dog (called Maros, after a river in Hungary) long ago. He died about two years ago, in June 2008. He was a 'komondor', a traditional Hungarian dog. Now it's really strange to have another one. Especially because Szindbád can't live outside of the house yet, because he's small and it's Autumn, round 0°C at night. With Maros, it would be impossible. But it seems that things change...

But that's enough for today. As you can see, possibly I won't have much time to write anything, but I try to do my best.

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Dhor · 2010.10.13. 21:40:27

School-leaving exam ;)
And I guess you meant family member. You have mates in the school/class.
And I think it sounds better to say "we'll perform the play". I'm not sure if presenting it is correct.

I'm soo jelous of you!! I've always wanted a dog. Not that I'd have time for it. But still... :(

tpr · 2010.10.14. 20:01:48

Well, I corrected the member-stuff, but matura exam must be okay, cause in English 'matura-exam' in the listening part the voice says it the same way (if I remember correctly)

Dhor · 2010.10.14. 23:38:22

It can happen. I learned it that way, but it doesn't necessarily means I'm right.:)
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